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Offensive Rust
Introduction (5:41)
Setting up Rust Environment
Installing Rust and Hello World Program (8:17)
Rust Formatter (1:11)
Compiling to 32bit and 64bit programs (4:41)
Rust Fundamentals
Variables and shadowing (11:25)
Operators and Loops (14:13)
Arrays, Vectors and Strings (38:44)
References, Ownership and Borrowing (16:38)
Reading User Input (7:56)
Command Line Arguments (4:42)
Functions (13:02)
Structures (19:07)
Pointers (15:45)
Active Directory Enumeration
Connecting to Ldap3 and retrieving user information (9:13)
OS Command Execution
Executing OS Commands (9:07)
Rusty Reverse Shell
Rust reverse shell (25:49)
Intro to Windows API
MessageBoxA and MessageBoxW (18:02)
UNICODE_STRING structure (10:46)
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES Structure (7:36)
Shellcode Injection
Executing shellcode via function pointer/delegate (5:05)
Shellcode Runner using Windows API (11:20)
Remote Shellcode Injection (7:47)
DLL Injection
DLL Injection theory (5:11)
DLL Injection in remote process (10:03)
Named Pipes
Windows Named Pipes (23:03)
Impersonating named pipe client's token (10:43)
DLL Proxying / Forwarding
Generating a DLL (5:07)
Proxying a DLL function from malicious dll to legit dll (9:55)
Writing a Reflective PE Loader
Writing our own FillStructureFromArray function (12:13)
Writing our own FillStructureFromMemory function (8:08)
Writing our own ReadStringFromMemory function (6:59)
Parsing DOS Header (15:58)
Parsing NT Header (15:52)
Mapping sections (15:05)
Fixing Imports (25:56)
Fixing Base Relocations (13:54)
Testing Metasploit Payloads (4:33)
Process Hollowing
CreateProcess API (5:16)
Process Hollowing (11:59)
DLL Hollowing
Dll Hollowing (7:13)
Bypassing AMSI
Patching AMSI (7:09)
API Hashing
GetProcAddress without GetProcAddress (20:44)
API Hashing (11:14)
API Hooking
Local API Hooking (23:16)
IAT Hooking
Hooking Import Address Table (14:58)
Hiding any process from Task Manager
Enumerating Processes with NtQuerySystemInformation (27:50)
Hiding any process from Task Manager by hooking NtQuerySystemInformation (11:52)
NTFS Transactions
TxF Windows API (14:17)
Process Doppelganging
Process Doppelganging (15:29)
PPID Spoofing
Spoofing parent process pid (16:46)
Bypassing AppLocker
Bypassing Hash rules (4:02)
Storing and Executing payload from Alternate Data Streams (5:24)
Bypassing Default Rules with InstallUtil (5:17)
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